Making Memories
What a wonderful summer we have had making memories. We've had wonderful trips out to various places (well mostly wonderful trips!! One bad experience at the sea life centre!!). We arranged to spend at least one day a week with Ethan's best buddy Samuel. This has worked up until the last week when neither of the boys were up to meeting due to colds. The boys have loved spending time together. We've spent time in Samuel's Nannys hot tub, playing at the park, walk around nine springs, sealife centre, activity day at fiveways and play days at both of our houses. We have also enjoyed a trip to longleat with our friends Kate and Jess, a trip to Weymouth to see the carnival and fireworks with our lovely friends and been to visit lots of friends and family. I have really enjoyed spending time with my special little man. I wanted to make his time off from preschool really special. In amongst days out we've had some lovely days chilling at home and exploring different messy activities. I've loved seeing his face light up when he's enjoying something, which has been a lot. In amongst these lovely times there have been some hard times too!! Ethan doesn't like the heat so the first few weeks he really struggled to sleep and even with the cooler weather he's still struggled to sleep. He's not been settling down to sleep until gone ten most nights and then still waking up by 5. This has been pretty full on with no sleep but it could be worse!! On a plus he's only had one seizure which has been good and has now done 3 weeks without one so far. During the week I'm used to having a bit of respite 3 mornings a week while Ethan is at preschool just to get on with jobs or catch up with sleep. Loosing this during the summer has been hard as the one day Ethan's with his dad has been filled with everything I need to get done plus trying to have some time to myself. As much as I've loved spending time with Ethan it's been very full on. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine in September even though it may get a little crazy soon! I passed my foundation degree In early years a couple of years ago and after a year off and a year trying to get a c in my gcse maths so I could get onto the top up course I've finally done it and am back to uni in September. I'm also starting volunteering for a few mornings a week at the local children's centre. While this is all very exciting I am also very scared as it will be pretty full on for us but its something I need to do to make our future better. This week Ethan goes back to preschool two mornings a week then the following week he starts his new preschool and will begin another two mornings at a mainstream preschool which will be gradually built up to him doing a full day twice a week. I'm very excited for this new change for Ethan. I wanted to add in extra hours for him so that he gets used to it before he starts school the following year. He will be attending his special preschool for 6 hours a week and the mainstream one for 12 hours. Hopefully this will help his development and will also give me time to study, work and get the housework done! We are off for one more day trip to longleat tomorrow as our last summer holiday treat and to make the most of our annual passes. Then it's all go from Wednesday. Here's to fun, excitement, scary times and a better future!!